How does CustomFit work?
Each CustomFit school shoe includes three different insoles, which can be inter-changed to offer five different width fittings. Available for very narrow (D) to very wide (H) feet!
Shop NowHow to customise the fit?
We have designed a step-by-step guide on how to measure your children's feet from the comfort of your home, before ordering online.
- Print the Measuring Gauge as shown on the Measuring Guide
- Cut Off Width Measuring Tape as shown on the Measuring Guide
- Place Chart On A Hard Floor
- Measure each foot length and width according to the instructions provided on the Measuring Guide
- Find Your Custom Fit Now you have the length and width measurement for each foot
Click the button below to view our measuring guide.
Looking for more?
Did you know...
1 in 3 children have feet that are slightly different in size, and with our CustomFit insoles you can even customise the fit of each shoe individually. Keeping feet happy all day long.
Do I need to buy the insoles?
All our CustomFit shoes come with all 3 insoles free of charge. The yellow insole will be inside the shoe and two sets of insoles inside the box, the yellow is removable to replace with whichever insole is perfect for the child's feet.
Is there a standard width option?
Yes, we recommend the yellow insole.
Are all your school shoes Custom Fit?
Not all our school shoes are CustomFit, we also offer a range of standard fitting school shoes. For CustomFit shoes look out for our logo.
What if my child has different width feet?
This is where our unique system comes into play - you can put a different insole in each shoe!